Email database & mailing List of Canada Business owners, companies, industries & corporate decision makers comes in a single package which includes all Canada B2B categories. It is not segregated like Indian B2B email database. it includes email database of Canada Business owners, email database of Canada corporate decisions makers, email database of Canada companies, email database of Canada industries etc.
(if you need any specific Canada B2B email database, please contact us for your specific requirements.)
Download sample of Email database of Canada companies, corporate, businesses (B2B)

Details: Email database of Canada b2b an list of official email Ids of different Canada companies, corporates, business owners, industries etc. 2021 updated & verified with high accuracy. It includes all locations & industries. download free samples, instantly buy & download the data file.
Fields mentioned: company name, decision makers name, decision maker's official email ids, designation, company Profile, company phone, industry segment, address, location etc (check samples for details).
Canadage: Extremely useful for selling or marketing of any kind of b2b product or service etc in corporates , businesses & companies.
Why to use this data: It will help you to reach the target audience & decision makers directly.
Quantity: 2,34,319 records.
Location: pan Canada (includes all major cities & states)
Accuracy: accuracy rate 88% – 92%, last updated on July 2021.
Price: INR 2999/- only.
Payment mode: credit card/ debit card/ online net banking/ upi/ gpay/ paytm/ wallets etc.
Delivery: if you buy it from this website by clicking the ‘buy & download’ button below, you will get instant file download link in your order confirmation page immediately after payment. download link will also be sent to your email id given in check out form.
if you still have any further query, please feel free to contact us