When you purchase something from any website, you get an email receipt which consist few things like Thank you message or transaction details etc. So when your customers buy something from your website, they will get an email receipt which is usually automated.
Now, among all type of email campaigns, email receipt campaigns have highest open rate. This is simply because customers will expect that mail from you. Due to this high expectancy & open rate, successful ecommerce marketers cleverly use this email receipt campaign and drive more sales. According to them, if this campaign is used properly anyone can increase sales at least by 3 times.
Now, let’s see how to do that.
1. Up sell related products:
When you send an email receipt to your customers, include a link (preferably a clickable photo) of the products related to the one which has been bought by that customer recently. In my thoughts, the best positioning for this would be the right hand side bar of your email template, but it is always great to experiment and find out which position suits better in your case. Caution: do not promote anything which is not related, if you don’t have one to offer, don’t use this technique.
2. Offer Discount Code for next purchase
Include a discount coupon in your email receipt campaign for the customer for his/her next purchase. Discount codes not only increase sales, it helps to retain customers by lowering churning rate. It doesn’t matter even if the discount is very nominal like 5% or $ 1, it is almost certain to yield positive results for you. Most importantly, always associate the discount code with time validity (like valid for next 10 days or valid till 15th March etc). It will create the sense of urgency in customer and will accelerate your sales.
3. Promote your Social media accounts
Include links of your social media accounts in the email receipt campaign to encourage customers to engage with your brand. Engagement is best way to lead nourishment. Connecting with the existing customers via social media is a perfect way to keep your customers informed about your brand and being at top of your customer’s mind.
4. Encourage Customers to share their Purchase on their FB & other Social media accounts
This works like wonder. This can be implemented by using various automated tools. What happens when customer clicks on specific button the purchase gets shared on his/her social media accounts? His/ her friends come to know about your website & product immediately. There is a great chance that your customers’ friends are your potential customer as we generally connected to like minded people in social media. Generally a customer and his/her social media friends will have common buying persona. So when they will come to know about your product from their friend, there is a very high chance that they also might be interested in your product. So include that sharing link in your email receipt campaign.
5. Get Feedbacks from your customers
Encourage customer to give feedback after the purchase. First, it will help you make your brand better. Second, customer will feel good when they will come to know you value their opinion. Asking for feedback or opinion is a great way of building trust with your customer.
Hope this helps, please visit our Email Database List to choose the email database of your target customers or clients. Visit our website to increase your sales with short span of time.
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