Email Marketing contributes 11% of total sales in Ecommerce industry and stands second in terms of sales contribution, just after search. Here are 9 proven tips to increase you Ecommerce sales.
1. Email Existing Customers for Product review.
When someone buys something from you, send them a thank you mail. Follow up that thank you mail with a Product review mail after 2-3 days when customer has already used that product. Clearly ask to review the product (both Goods & bads) and mention where his/her review will be places. Honest review from real customers will help you to increase your website traffic conversation ration up to 37%.
2. Do A/B Testing with the Design of your Email
When you run an email campaign, make multiple (ideally 3) email templates to send. Send each template 33% of total mailing list. If you have a list of 1000 people, send each template to 333 people. Check which template has better open rate and CRT (Click through rate). You will understand which template is working best for you and stick to it.
3. Run Cart-Abandonment Email Campaign
This is a high ROI campaign and can easily be done if you are using marketing automation software. Send cart-abandon email to those people who visited your cart page or checkout page, but not completed the payment or order transaction and did not go to the thank you page. The ideal content of this kind of email is to ask that person whether he/she has faced any sort of technical problem in checkout page. Don’t forget to put a direct link to checkout in that email.
4. Do Aggressive Email Campaign with seasonal Product/ Service.
29% of annual revenue of entire Consumer Ecommerce Industry (B2C) comes during Holiday season. Utilize this opportunity by promoting your seasonal products/ Services just before Holiday season. Keep a track of Physical Retail Holiday (when physical retail stores will remain closed). Grab that opportunity.
5. Always Incentivize your Loyal Customers
Always reward your most loyal and frequently visiting/ returning customers. Offer them discount Coupons & other goodies via email. Offer them beta testing for your new products via email. Turn you loyal customers into your asset; they will do marketing for you, willingly, free of cost.
6. Utilize the Transaction Email to up sell
Transact emails are typically Order-Tracking status emails or Thank-You emails with Post Sales support contact details. Use this kind of Emails intelligently by positioning “Related-Products” or “Related Category of Products”. Avoid Up-selling any non relevant product or any product customers will not be interested in.
7. Personalize- As much as Possible
Personalised email campaigns have great ROI & immensely beneficial for long run, but at the same time it cost time & resource. It is difficult to personalize automated email campaigns. But even some basic personalization effort, like sending special occasional (birthday, anniversary etc) email to customers can yield great results for you.
Hope this helps you; visit our website www.targetedemaildatabase.com to multiply your sales in short span of time.
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